+ 43 1 523 49 44 - 238
Seidengasse 9-11
1070 Wien

Julia Bernhardt

Healthcare Industry
Head of Healthcare Industry

Julia Bernhardt has been active in the Austrian healthcare sector for over 15 years, starting her journey with direct patient care. Over time, she has worked in a variety of healthcare organizations, both in intra- and extramural settings, within the public and private sectors. Her work has encompassed diverse areas, from strategy to process and organizational development. In her role as the Head of Healthcare Industry, she focuses on essential aspects such as connecting and fostering joint development between employees and employers within the healthcare sector. She also supports companies in their evolution as organizations and as employers of the future. Her main emphasis lies in holistic HR solutions aimed at enhancing quality and sustainability in healthcare, ultimately promoting healthier years for all Austrians. Furthermore, she is the founder and chairwoman of SOLAR PLEXUS – Shapers of the Healthcare Future, advocating for equity and fostering connections among various stakeholders within the healthcare field.

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